

Toll Free Number 24*7

1800 425 3877

Customer Care

8848 002 214

00 : 00 : 00

KPI Report

Down Time % - Non-Availability Time

Total Days/ Year Total Down Days Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0

Up Time % Life Saving Equipment

Total Days/ Year Total Asset Total UP Days (Total Days - Down Days) Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

Up Time % DHs & THs

Total Days/ Year Total UP Days (Total Days - Down Days) Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 NAN

Up Time % Ahs & CHCs

Total Days/ Year Total UP Days (Total Days - Down Days) Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 NAN

Up Time % PHCs

Total Days/ Year Total UP Days (Total Days - Down Days) Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 NAN

MTTR (Mean Time to Restoration)

Total Days/ Year Off duty time for Failure (In Hours) Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

MTBF (Mean time between failures)

Total Days/ Year Availability (In Hours) Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

Class failure ratio (Fails per class) Critical

Total Days/ Year Total Number of Complaints for Critical Equipment Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

Class failure ratio (Fails per class) Non-Critical

Total Days/ Year Total Number of Complaints for Non-Critical Equipment Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

Negligent Action

Total Days/ Year Total Number of Complaints not completed within 7 Days Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

7 Days Action

Total Days/ Year Total Number of Complaints completed within 7 Days Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

2 Days Action

Total Days/ Year Total Number of Most Critical Complaints completed within 48 Hrs Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

Schedule Maintenance (SM) with Failure %

Total Days/ Year Number of SM action per year with "Problem Found" Total Number of Schedule Maintenance / Year Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

SM Coverage Rate

Total Days/ Year Number of devices available in that year Total Number of Schedule Maintenance / Year Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN

No Problem found (fake faults)

Total Days/ Year No Problem Found Count Total Number of Complaints Score
366 (Feb-2024-Jan-2025) 0 0 NAN